Nigeria places travel ban on 13 countries, confirms 5 new cases of COVID-19

Nigeria places travel ban on 13 countries, confirms 5 new cases of COVID-19

As Nigeria confirms five new cases of Coronavirus, it has placed a travel ban on 13 countries.

The Secretary to the Government of the Federation Boss Mustapha made the announcement on Wednesday in Abuja.

The affected countries are the United State of America, the United Kingdom, China, Japan, Iran, Switzerland, Norway, Netherland, France, South Korea, Germany, Italy and Spain.


The person, who is a 30-year-old Nigerian female returned from the United Kingdom on March 13, observed self-isolation and developed symptoms, thereby testing positive.

The lady is currently at the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Yaba and contact tracing has commenced.

But on Wednesday, he confirmed five new cases.

At a national press briefing on Wednesday in Abuja, the minister explained that three of the victims came from the United States of America, including a mother and child, while two others also from the US, an American, who came via the nation’s land border.

Meanwhile, the country has shut down camps where fresh graduates undergoing orientation for the one-year compulsory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme.

More than 500,000 youth corps members have been asked to go back to their homes.


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