8 Potassium Rich Foods You Can Eat To Reduce High Blood Pressure

8 Potassium Rich Foods You Can Eat To Reduce High Blood Pressure

The need for us to continue to listen to the rhythm of our body at all times cannot be overemphasized here. This is because, there are so many diseases which people suffer these days, and it is only right for us to eat foods which will keep us healthy.

Well, among the diseases which people suffer today is the one that gives many people sleepless nights, and it is high blood pressure.

This disease can escalate into stroke, high cholesterol and even heart attack if not managed probably.

However, there are foods which can be eaten in order to bring down this high blood pressure. They are foods rich in potassium and they are listed below;1. Mushrooms

2. Berries

3. Potatoes

4. Banana

5. Beans

6. Avocado

7. Fish

8. Tomatoes

Well, a study has this to say below:There are several minerals contained in most of the foods we eat and potassium is one of them. Potassium helps to bring down high blood pressure by alleviating tension in the blood vessel.

However, a person with hypertension is advised to stay away from salty foods especially raw salt. Sodium helps to increase blood pressure and should be regulated during cooking for a person with this disease.They are also required to follow up a close check up on their health every now and then, to know how to manage the problem by their doctor. Having to subject yourself to unnecessary stress may not be good.

Hence, eating healthy meals, doing some simple physical exercises like taking a little walk and dancing can help. For someone with this disease, smoking may be a quick ticket to having a heart attack or kidney failure as the case may be.

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