Turmeric and Ginger - A Natural supplement That Could Help Decrease Nausea

Turmeric and Ginger - A Natural supplement That Could Help Decrease Nausea

Nausea can be described as a generalized sense of discomfort and unease, often felt like a strong urge to vomit. There are three common classes of nausea, they are functional, psychomotor, and somatic.

In a recent study published by the Royal Society of Medicine, thirty-three definitions for nausea were proposed. Nausea has been studied very extensively over the last half-century, and recent medical research suggests that the most common underlying cause of nausea is stress.

Nausea can affect people of all ages, both children and adults

The digestive tract and the brain play various roles in the process of vomiting, so it is not surprising that these three areas are affected by the same toxins and stress.

The theory is that certain physiological systems such as the hypothalamus/pituitary gland and the gastrointestinal tract control the levels of gastric acid production, so when the level of acid in the stomach is higher than normal the person often experiences nausea and vomiting.

Nausea, according to the scientific view is actually an alteration in the process of digestion or of releasing gastric acid to achieve a physiological state of homeostasis, where stomach acid is controlled at a low level so that no serious harm occurs to the rest of the digestive system.

Edit to this article considers that although there is considerable debate over the exact causes and symptoms of nausea, anxiety, stress, and the like, the above-mentioned categories seem to make up the bulk of what is known as functional nausea.

The second category, psychomotor or somatic, is comprised of mental disorders (such as depression) and substance abuse. The third category of causes for nausea may lie in the gastrointestinal tract itself. This includes viral, bacterial, or fungal infections, congenital defects, malformations, selective nerve pathologies, and autoimmune disorders.

Both turmeric and ginger have strong anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce pain and also protect against illness

One clinical study in 120 individuals with osteoarthritis was found to show that taking one gram of raw ginger extract a day for three months significantly reduced inflammation and significantly reduced blood nitric oxide levels, a chemical molecule that plays an important role in the arthritic, inflammatory response (8, 9,”).

The participants who took the highest amount of ginger showed the least improvement in their condition. In addition, both turmeric and ginger were found to be effective in reducing pain. These results suggest that these herbs may be helpful in the treatment of osteoarthritis.

Scientists have speculated that ginger may also have anti-cancer activity (10) since it seems to contain an antioxidant compound that has been shown to decrease nausea in laboratory animals (11).

The only clinical test that has directly examined the effects of ginger on human cancers was done using male mice, in which it was shown to decrease tumor growth.

There are, however, no human studies examining the effect of ginger on human tumors. It is unclear whether the reduction of nausea caused by ginger affects human cancers since the test animals were not human.

When test-tube animals are given ginger supplements, they experience a similar anti-inflammatory effect to that seen in the test-tube studies

However, the test-tube animals were fed grapefruit extract instead of ginger. The supplement did not change the rodents’ blood pressure or cholesterol levels but did reduce the number of malignancies – a significant finding because the number of malignancies and cancer cells in the test-tube animals was much higher than those in humans. It is unclear how, if at all, ginger could have an anti-cancer effect in humans when it is not used topically to treat cancer.

In a set of experiments on mice and rats, taking 1% ginger per cm of fat prevented the development of tumors. The mice’s livers showed an inflammatory response when the substance was injected into their abdominal cords.

In these experiments, the livers showed increased inflammation, as indicated by increased levels of prothrombin, an inflammatory marker. Prothrombin production is increased in response to injury or infection, and is, therefore, a reasonable explanation for the pain in the cords of test-tube animals.

Administration of ginger significantly decreased the levels of prothrombin in the animals’ livers

In addition to its direct effect on inflammation, there is some evidence that ginger has an effect on the immune function of the body. Animal research indicates that it can reduce the activity of the gamma-interferon, a protein produced by cells to fight infections.

Taking fresh ginger daily suppresses the activity of the gamma-interferon in both humans and animals. Further research shows that ginger has an effect on the production of the herpes simplex virus, reducing the virus in animals that are infected with the disease by 60%.

Another effect that ginger has on the body is its ability to act on inflammation. In animal studies, it has been shown to reduce edema (tissue swelling due to fluid retention) caused by wounds, while it has no effect on normal tissue.

Oral doses of ginger reduce pain associated with arthritis, bursitis, and osteoarthritis by inducing vasodilation, according to research studies. Oral ginger also seems to be effective in the treatment of depression, rhinitis (inflammation of the nose), and cough.

A study on lab rats given ginger showed that it helped reduce the vomiting caused by experimental viral gastroenteritis, while it did not have any significant effect on non-viral digestive tract disease.

While ginger does not directly help relieve pain and inflammation, it may help to keep arthritis in check. Over the counter medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, work to prevent the irritation that occurs when joints are inflamed. These over the counter medications are also capable of reducing pain, especially when taken before and after exercise.

However, they only relieve the pain and do nothing to reduce the inflammation of joints or prevent future joint injuries from occurring. For this reason, it may help to find a natural supplement that contains ginger, rather than relying on over the counter pain relievers.

There are many health benefits to turmeric. It could help decrease inflammation and pain and increase your metabolism. It could also help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as lower your chances of getting chronic illnesses such as diabetes and cancer.

Ginger provides a gentle anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and anti-bacterial effect that can reduce nausea after chemotherapy and can boost your immune system.

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