These 5 Popular Nigerian Pastors Did Not Attend University, See The Reason Why They Could Not Do So

These 5 Popular Nigerian Pastors Did Not Attend University, See The Reason Why They Could Not Do So

Education is regarded as one of the most important things every parent should provide for their children. But, some did not have the opportunity to do so because of their financial incapabilities and low standard of living. As a result, their kids either end up as drop outs or have to settle with the little education they could provide for them. 

Many of those kids end up not fulfilling their destinies as many would end up in the streets as labourers just for the sake of making ends meet. However, it’s not always so because, there are still some people who made it despite the lack of a university education.

Today, we’ll take a look at five Popular Nigerian Pastors who made it in life but did not have the opportunity to get a University education as a result of lack of financial resources.

1. Prophet TB Joshua.

I guess you are surprised! Yes, TB Joshua only attended St. Stephen Anglican school at Akidiri, Akudo but, due to the lack of financial resources, the Popular Nigerian pastor was unable to further his studies.

2. Prophet Jeremiah Omotofufeyin.

The Warri-based prophet and founder of Mercyland Deliverance Ministries, is the second in the list. Ziokumor Primary School in Delta state and had his secondary education at Gbasa Grammar School, Ojobo.

3. Pastor Lazarus Mouka

The Founder of the Lord’s choose charismatic Movement, is the third on the list. After the Popular cleric completed his primary school and Secondary School education, he could not proceed further as a result of financial incapabilities and as a result, he did not have a university degree.

4. Prophet Odumeji

The Onitsha-based Prophet is the third on my list. The founder of Mountain of Holy Ghost Intervention Deliverance Ministry World Miracle Center, completed his primary school education at Nweje Anambra state and attended Providence secondary school but, he was unable to further his studies due to financial incapabilities and as a result, he has no University degree.

5. Apostle Chibuzor Gift Chinyere.

The founder of Omega power ministries, a church denomination whose headquarter is located at Port Harcourt did not have a university degree. He attended Seabird Nursery School in Port Harcourt and had his primary education at the army children school in Port Harcourt. But he did not further his education.

Despite the fact that these men of God could not obtain a university degree for themselves, they are highly respected in the society. I hope you learnt something good from this because, with or without a University education, you will still become who God wants you to be as long as you work towards it.

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