Chinese Factory Worker Spotted Using Face Mask clean His Dirty shoes (video)

Chinese Factory Worker Spotted Using Face Mask clean His Dirty shoes (video)

According to the imam of peace Tweet on Twitter make us understand that Chinese factory worker wipes his shoes with face masks and asks the camera man if this is good enough? Would he be doing this if the masks were for local use? Are these masks for export? They want us to wear them on our faces? China is not our friend!


People Reactions to this wicked act

This is India, they are not China so is ok, don’t talk about them. There are currently hundreds of thousands of “factories “ making masks in China right now. No on cares to check the background of this factories to see where they buy from. Only care about cheap price


Many of them love their communist leadership, you are correct they hate us, nobody should be buying masks from China, never mind trusting them in our hospitals

we really need more foreigner friend to see what Chinese people say in weibo because we can know what Chinese people think there and we cant know in twitter because there is internet wall in China so majority people never use twitter and youtube that is why is rare to see Chinese




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