Dr. Pius Odubu's Message To Edo People On The Pandemic Corna Virus

Dr. Pius Odubu's Message To Edo People On The Pandemic Corna Virus

Our dear people of Edo State I wish to solidarise with everyone as we embrace and confront an usual approach to life. The upsurge of the Coronavirus codenamed COVID-19 has brought in its wake anxiety, fear and uncertainty amongst people of the world. For us in Edo State, we have not been spared by the consequences of the disruption of our normal lives as government at all levels seeks greater anticipatory preventive measures to curtail the prevalence of the virus even though we have no case in our state yet. While commending the Federal government for the numerous proactive measures been taken to address the spread of the pandemic I urge all Edo people to take seriously the preventive measures that have been so elaborately disseminated in all media. We must remember to wash our hands regularly with soap, avoid body contacts with people in large gathering as much as possible , make use of hand Sanitizers regularly, avoid picking your noises and touch your faces with your hands , stay clear of anyone sneezing and coughing consistently, dispose immediately of tissues used to cover your sneeze and cough etc.
As leaders we urge every Edo person to remain hopeful and confident that this raging pandemic is phase in the life of the world as scientists are working hard to determine preventive and therapeutic drugs for this strange disease.
Let us have a renewed hope and confidence of greater days ahead as we march on to rescue our state.
Together We Can Have A Greater Edo State.

Dr Pius Odubu

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